Sunday, February 8, 2009

xukiee posing!!

me and rach in sze teng's carrr ;D

hoolaaa (: this was on a sasturdayy.when me, xuk, rach went to sze teng's house after school. (:heh, turns out that rachel was getting all hyper in HNG. andd xukiee running walking around the school just to wait for us (; heh.sze tengg was jus soo busy planning everything out.but in the end, she did a great job.! no pressure hunn!ate dominoss with them all, then went to sze teng's place to chill.haha then a anonymouss guest came, and guess wadd. its' dorothy! yeshh i haven seen her for agesss (: she's living well.

turns out, i really hate todayy, saturday morning,but they just made myy dayy ;D

cheerrriooo.! heh. <3's

1 comment:

szeteng said...

Hey hey!!! HAHAHHAHAHA!! I didn't know you snap a picture??!!!!! Hahahhahahahha!!!

Glad you enjoyed.
I'm sorry if lately I've been a lil bit busy, cause I am. hahah! ILY too.