Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hallo bloggie, sorrie for the late update. lazie to sign in here. heehee.
wanted to find the christmas tree today (;
heee. but that freaking tree took me hours to find.
AAhh!!! it's craziie, how can my parents hide the tree so deep?!
i was like in the store room, with a torchlight on my hand.
It's like survival in that store room i tell you
Oh! and i've found lots of junk. teehee.
like the spiderman ball in the box.
Lots of old bags, like the one i use when i was A LIL KID.
yeaaa, i didn't know i got so many bags anyways.ppfft.
thats all. I'm just so angry cause till now...

1 comment:

szeteng said...

We wish you a merry chritsmas..
We wish you a merry christmas...
We wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year......

Christmas is around the corner jacc!

Merry Christmas. ")