hey all (: something really unreasonable happened in class. i dont't even want to talk about it. it's just really a very very bad day. soo! because of what happened yesterday, teacher decided to change our sitting position for good. im sitting with wai lee now :S thats chaos. but still fun (:and kuok ren is the new kt. i think he can be a perfect kt. no, seriously, a good one (: heeh. so i think our class is going to be in a masive mess and chaos in another one more week time. after the holidays perhaps. i cant' wait! im going tooo have so much fun! : Deveryone is sick now ): due to the H1n1. please stop it! ): my friends are having fever and all, they can't make it for school till after the holidays ): kinda saddening. get well soon then! going to meet up with wei shan this saturday! i can't wait to see her. it's been sooo long since the last time is saw her. i hope she's doing well now. she said she hasss so much dirt to tell me! is currently nutruel for me. i miss mel ): she's gone for so long. she left me in the rain yesterday. ughh! kay (: thats all for today adios!
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