Wednesday, December 30, 2009

of monkeys and wild beings!?

have you ever met such funny and noisy awesome friends ever? haha well i did and it was pretty amazing (: what a blessing wei! haddd dinnerr with this bunch of monkeys, i tell you we were camwhoring like noone's business. we're probably the most noisiest bunch of monkeys there in the restaurant, hahaa! looking at those innocent faces, seriously! you'll go ''waoooo!'' when they talk! hahaaa!
new year's eve is tomorrow! what can i say? i'm stuck at home the whole day while my friends go party out there. oh well have fun then, i'll be partying with cherrrie to make myself feel better. ishh! happy early new year wishes to all! (: then off to foodland i go. gosh i can't wait! (:

Monday, December 21, 2009


hey all, live.amplified was just aalll soo awesome! we made history, haha it was FGA"s first conference instead of camp. and it was just really different. just rerally different, i made lots of friends, shared alot andd most importantly knew God so much better now. As of course like eeveryone, this conference can be a life changing to others. i could not disagree, and yes it has really changed my life and my worldview, i would never see others in the streets like i use to anymore, its all just so different now. through out this conference, i know that God had made a better plan for each and everyone of us to do greater things in life (: and i'm so glad i didnt miss this wei! :D hahaa. christmas is coming soon and i just can't wait! and then it's the new 2010 and there goes my birthday! hehe, gosh i feel so old already come to think about it. mmm..anyways, i just really hope that this conference would really make a big difference for everyone and jusst really thank God for his touch and all (:
another thing i would really miss is THE LATE NIGHT TALKS :) haha superrr fun! i miss being awake by mandy before 7am! i miss late night chips with the girls. haha i miss pedicure and camwhore moments there. i miss huei minn's room! i miss huei minn's dog? ;/ i miss huei minn's dad coming in our room and kicking our butts asking us to go to sleep before midnight! ahha i miss mandy's sleep talking? and selena's sleep walking hahaha! i just miss everything! gahh, God, why does time hav to pass soo fast when we're having so much fun. hahaa.

till then, jedida's birthday tomorrow :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

hey all! partaying in yafan's house was hilarious today. when i met this small lil kid named vivian, we were suppose to ask what did you learn after the prodical son's sotray, and she was so cute. sshe started to tell me about this story involving a girl and a boy and a witch. which reminds me of some princess story wei. oh! and at the end, the guy threw the witch into this hot pot. HAHA hilarious!
video will be posted in facebook! ;D ahah, its a must see thing. ciao for now. (:
and yeshhh! two more dayssss!

Friday, December 11, 2009

It ends tonight la wei! (:

ritee! (; goodnight! neverrr ever! i mean N.E.V.E.R. ''talk'' to you like this ever again, wasting my page andd space here, polluting it somemore. haha!
kidding! i think it was pretty fun and hilarious! ;D do it agian tmr!
you're awesomeee too! ciao. i'm dying larh. haha (:
AHAA YESH!!! white flag there, pink flag here. I WIN (:
end of war. phewww! this is tiring wei. i so did not lose on post 3!
ahaaa! peace *showing peace sign*

stop complaining i'm writting too short, i'm not going to mention your name here again so you can stop syok sendiri-ing! ahah!

''Simple-minded, shallow people like you wouldn't understand smart, complex-minded, awesome people like myself. I mean any street begger would understand what I just said'' quote lowyeeaung

you see people! i told you he's ubber vain and perasan i aint lying rite! bullying girls? huh! not a good idea, not a good idea at all. wait till i have xukie on my side man, shoot you die! andd you didn't mean what you post on your last blog ok! puh-leaseeee, you!? complimenting on me?! fu-neyy larh you. fu-ney! the world upside down la! boo!
someone is seriously pissing me off now, and to tell the truth, i don't really understand what you're talking about. hahaha! i guess you ran out of words to insult me, too blurry in the nite cause i know you're brain doesnt even move at this time. haha! except those dota games eww. which makes me the winner of this war. ppfft, why in the world did i ever let you syok sendiri anyways? aren't you like that since you were born!? HAAA!

You? win? N.E.V.E.R
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! I wass too kind hearted to even mentioned this person in my blog, promoted his blog somemore wei. just because to make him syok sendiri about himself, but nooooooooooooooooooooooooo, somebody just wants to start war and saying stuff that aint true just to comfort himself, ppft, i pity you wei.



shoot me a random question, any ten random questions NOW! saying who's birthday is in the month of January? ( meme!) who ate mamak for breakfast today. haha yayahh, gaahh. mybrainisnotfunctioningnowineedstrength! EHEE (:
I was told to blog about yee aung, since he's soo ubber perasan and vain. pfft, check out his blog, he'll blow your mind with a 4 days story in camp life! yahh! be amazed, he writes like a freak. haha BUT! it's not just any camp, it's church camp! ''prison break'' camp? yahh, you better be thanking me for this yee aung, i'm promoting your blog, and pitying you since you wrote so much and there's noone there to read your stuff. ahaa!

pray for me for my chinese pleaseee! haha

''Jesus loves me this i know,

because the bible tells me so (:''

Thursday, December 10, 2009

manyi, jaclyn, weishan, amanda

hey all! (; this are some rare and most awesome people you can ever find on earth! (; haha, burst out lungs out todayy and it was pretty hilarious. right, we still didnt' get to buy our stripsels though. i seriously need one NOW. (:

Monday, December 7, 2009

heyy all! have you ever seen a small kid running and running , then he suddenly falls down on the ground. my reaction to that was always ouch! but still, that lil small kid could stand up by him self and manage to continue running, and just as i see him getting up, i thought he was going to cry. but instead he still puts this bright smile on his face and continue running after the fall. i alwasy wonder, do they actually fell the pain? or just tahan the pain and continue smilling on the outside eventhough it hurts badly in the inside? hmmmm..
anywaysss! janice is going to hong kong tomorrow, hope she has awesome fun there (:
yee aung, please do wait patiently till saturday, i know He'll touch you in a very special way.
gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i'm still stuck with john mayer weih. ;/

Friday, December 4, 2009

jaclyn's in need for new songs!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

hey all! (; let's talk about my best friend, which is also my daughty? which is also parent to wei shan which makes me the daddy rite wei shan? and is also my church buddie, which is also my super awesome kindergarden bestie sean's primary bestie, which is also..gosh my awesome partner during YKPM which we rocked in cleaning up that baby's puke bottle yaw! :P we survived together. andd! is also nearly my twinie cause both of our names starts with J and cause of that, we got the J power plus girl power! haha ok, this is totally random but i know she's going to post one for me too! ARHH! (: ahhaa.

i miss those days.

jaclyn, audrey and leyin

partay in the toilet? nahh. (:

look at my hoomie audrey! ♥

furrrhhh! it matches my clothes :P

the end of the day ♥

hey all! (; i'm still keeping my blog alive. haha, anyways, spend a whole day with audrey yesterday (: and she's ohh soo awesome. haha apparently she loves curly fries more than french fries. hahaa, that's one amazing fact i know. went to stadium today for a friendly match with singapore team. they were superrr pro, 4 games beat us all the way 0.0 ahaa, then i hang out with audrey in the afternoon in curve, walk back to my house too. we pandai pandai, take the short cut which need to climb over the fence, and guess what happen, we got our legs bitten by mosquitos. like 4 of em on my legs now -.- snifs. haha!
today again, is a rainy day. in the morning, anddd NOT in the afternoon! haha praise the Lord! it wass cloudy and we saw thunder in the afternoon but thank God it didnt rain. played a match with audrey and his brother's friends, oh and sarah too! (: ahaa. apparently we girls won the guys. haha girl power yawww!
i hav nothing to blog about now. i guess im signing off yaw. peace (:

Sunday, November 29, 2009

long time ago,

jaclyn,dylan,shuyi,hanrong & jian wen
hey all! (: spend the whole day in hanrong's house today. still i dont know whether should i call you hanrong or daniel. anywaysss, walked to ampang point there, we were talking about new moon and hanrong was saying how stupidly looking robert pattinson is andd how madly girls can be when they see taylor lautner's hot abs. haha he even demo a lil :0 end of the day, hee said this.
''i want to be a warewolf'' - quote hanrong-
and then he does this most retardedly warewolf walking style. haha hilarious!
john mayer's new album Battle Studies is awesomeeee!

heyy all! (: sori about the small picture there, its live.revolution amplified! *applause!*screams* aha, yesh its the happening thing this coming december :D *screams again* oh i cant wait! still! im really hoping everyone who i invited can make it! the dead line is not dead yet. :P hehe. went to church today! saw janice from first service. haha, then huei minn ditched me ): saw melissa too, gosh mel your hair grew already :P hahaah! mel gives me retarded smiles during service. HAHA! rite! wopship was amazing today, made me tear. 0.9 i was kinda shock too tht my tears start flowing down all of a sudden. guess i realy need God's touch after the awesome mission trip. ;) hheee! im currently stuck in daniel's house here cause parents ditched us. dylan and him jamming the whole afternoon, cant even take a nice afternnoon nap. pfft, till then, eating THE SPICIEST FISH IN THE WORLD again later. cheers :D

Saturday, November 28, 2009

captain ball butt sticking style :P

rainy day.

me, our baby (haha) and janice (:

heloooooooooooooooooo! i jsut posted that mission trip post like minutes ago, and now im blogging the community service. HAAA! the very next day, met up with all my friends again! (: helped out with the cleaning there, though this time it was a lil different, we help with the houses, like going into their house and clean up, really good experience though. group members were janice, jonathan and johainan (i think :P) fourple J! anywayss, we thought we would be helping out with the cleaning, which i think we only took about half an hour to be done, and the rest was baby sitting their childrens! haha, they have threee lil boy and..they know how to fight? playful larh in a way. but really enjoying. elder brother was being the boss the whole time, HAHA! janice knows what i mean. :D played captain ball with our butts stuck on the floor, huei minn said her butt bone was pain! haha hilarious, well thats about it. enjoyed todayy! peace out.

sori! that's all the pictures i've got. i think :/

heyy all! (: i have been actively updating my blog nowadays ok? hehee! just came back from mission trip in slim river! and urmm, community service in selayang (: hehe. overall mission trip was a great experience for me, i got to know how the orang aslis live and how they worship God, even with such young age, they still worship God with full heart and it really touches me :) met some kids there, they were really friendly. oh and i miss our mission trip members already ); pictures will be uploaded! for more info, i bet janice hav already uploaded like a zillion of pictures for this mission trip :P wahhaha! peace

Monday, November 23, 2009


oh, it's so not pointless (:
melissa pok acting like sha calls it'' childish'' HAHAH

oh playing hide and seek :P


hey yaw! went to church today! it feels so greatt, has been ages since i've went to church! hehee. the preaching was great though. (; bahh, went to visit my aunt's house with dad after church (without dylan and mummy) heh! for some reason lea! i was suppose to go to penangg! ); omg, sadness! all the cha kuoy teow andd yummy midnight magee goreng ); i pray they dapao for me some from penang lar. :P and then guess what, 2 hours late, i saw melissa again! oh what a boom! ♥ apparently i notice she drinks chocolate bbt flavour. omg mel :0 ehee! watched 2012 at night, and seriously i rate it a 4 outta 10. ohkay scream at me! i know everyone says 2012 was awesome. ;o rarr..slept at 3am somemore that night thanks to some certain crazy retarded people of mine(: hehee, then KO-ed. sigh. CIAO

Thursday, November 19, 2009

hey all (: life could get so much fun! ahaa! have i told you i love malaysia? well yesh i do, i really do, everything about it is soo awesome and makes me feel like home. (: holidays are rushing by and all my friends are busy with their plans. outings and stuff, i hope they hav fun! mum and bro are leaving to penang this sunday leaving me and my dad all alone at home, with cherrie of course, she grew fatter i think, she looks different from some point, i just can't tell, maybe its' time she has a hair cut. i dont know. ;/

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

i dont know why. :/

' my name is cheerie!''


i love picture perfect ; D

me again! omg.

why do i always blog and check my mails at 12am when im sleepy to death? huhh, bits me. i hav no idea. anyways, todays blog is about cherrie's birthday! yesh, she's turning 42 today, in dog life larh, mean she's been with me for 6 years! whole 6 years (: sniffs! hehee, no la, she's not old ok, she's still single, can get married. but definately no babies :D haha, hows that? i can put a millions of pictures of her BUT there's something call..lazy (: hehee. enjoy my cheerrie booo's picture <3

Friday, October 16, 2009

i suddenly remembered what my piano teacher said to me about this theory method that i should always remember when im grouping piano notes! she said no matter what happens, everything in couples are always better, simpler way is to say that triplets or fifth or anything that is in odd numbers are not good! not good. andd why? causeee.. couples are always together in a very good way, but wad about the other one left behind? all alonee, cause in triplets, there's always two that are always better along after all. so add another one, wouldn't it be perfect?
i think he's cute! haha

updates updates updates, short and fast.
hey all, weeks of torturing with books are finally over (;
hooray to that, june coming over later for sleepover!
mmmm, balik kampung on weekends,
shcool holidays till monday!
two weekend and two extra holiday day!
haha, hooray to that too.
for all those who are starting exams next week,
all the bestt ! (:
bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, still no msn in computer. tata

Thursday, October 8, 2009


have to stop falling asleep everytime i open a book .
there i said it! ppffttt..i miss june the zebra and jo the i dont know what.
hahaa (;

i know mel is faster than me already.
geo bab 12. grrr you mel! hahaa

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

me, jo and june. triple J's!
i miss them already );
hi all,
sorry for not updating this sort of dead blog, holidays for us sort of start. well not technically but it's PMR week soo ya, holidays for us lar.mel and manda came for group studyy today and yesh, we did study, not enough time to have fun also. times flies while u're studying no? hehee.

nothing much to say, looking forward for meetings andd church service this saturday? haaa! can't wait to go this week with rachel and rebecca. oh and millions of sorries for rebecca that i ditched you today in tuition, i sort of overslept. hehehe : ) it was morning, im tired ;P hahaa. okay, bad excuse then.

bahhhhhhhhh..i'm currently addicted to meet me half way by the BEP. LOVE!

oh, and all the best for those PMR students tomorrow (;

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

hey yeah (; happy birthday wei jian and jia min, for wei jian it's on the 28th, and jia min is tomorrow! happy sweet birthday. wish you guys hav what you want the most during this day and hav a blast. thats wei jian withh his present we brought him, all signed by us (; since i dont hav a group photo, i rather put picture of signatures from all of us that includes, me, zu ling, yih xiang, yee aung , wei jian , jin hooi and jen han. not including the birthday boy and girl. on wei jian's brand new t-shirt : D

yaa! there you go, happy birthday ''noobs''! nice birthday cake huh? it tasted mango-ish and it's really nice. sadly, somebody don't allow me to finish the cake peacefully,instead, somebody smushed the whole cream on my face. wth! i'm not even the birthday girl! messed up my house with cakes all over the floor, made cheerie eat it like a dog! ISH!oh yeah, she is a dog isn't she? ;P just joking. glad it was kinda crazy! everyonee started with mahjong first. omg. ahh ya, the mini set is still with me by the way. jin hooi went super hungry and became desperate! he orded mc D delivery with my house address, gosh! that was my first time calling (; underr my name somemroe. ahaa!okay, to tell the truth, i'm really not satisfield with today. because tecnically, i didn't manage to push yee aung or jen han or yih xiang or jia min or zu ling in the pool. wth -.- made me and jin hooi swim in the pool with the whale! making excuses that you're sick? ppfft..! haha but yaa eventually yee aung got sick after that, i think it was because of the disgusting drink we dared you to drink? haaa! coke,100 plus, kikapoo campur milk! classic drink ever. spells like puke. hope you get well soon though ;) at the end, wj got soaking wet! jin hooi was getting hyper and happy about it due to something that happen before that. rite! sooO! the whole mini birthday party was awesome (; getting tired dozzing off in 3 2 1.

Friday, September 18, 2009

darn it's a rainy day again today!
and its the first day of the holidays (:
i watched slumdog millionaire for the second time yesterday!
i'll rate it a total (;(;(;(;(; !
it's superrr awesome!
mmmm, oh ya! i cant' wait for my cousins to arrive next week!
it's going to be a super movie marathon with some'' sad cream''
hahaaa! played monopoly just now with bro's friends.
we didn't manage to finsih the whole game though,
cause its a neverending game!
hahaa, i miss wei shan. );

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I met you last year and remember this picture?! :D
look! your hair wass so short (: hehee, i miss your short hair!
i think we took this when it's our first outing together (;
hehe thanks for being such a great friend,
although we had somee troubles last time,
but that doesnt really matter agree?! (:
hehee! so have a blast todayy! and enjoy yourself out there!
heheee. <3>

it's a rainy evening today!
i got soaking wet with mel after school ; )
hide under any random person's unbrella!
hahaa! but still ending up like what kenneth said '' sup chicken !''


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

skiped school today, and yee aung is doing that tomorrow.
lol! i heard baby chicken in fly! ;P

♥ ♥

Monday, September 14, 2009

LOOK! i'm doing.......


it's for Sivik project larh, i was bored (:

we bought mel a chicken!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

the cute adorable kids from Diamond Home, Sitiawan says '' HI'' ;)
i know his name! the one on the left is elaizaa
and i think he's name is peter? bennert? BENNERT! woops !
p/S : carmen should BE HERE!! rar!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

hey all! want to know something prettie awesome?okay, it's not as awesome as u think but stil..haaa! i won my brother in grape mouth competiton!it's basically like stuffing as much grape in your mouth without chewing it ;)it's gross but i dont care! :D haaaaH!

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love ''everlasting God''! ;)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

i receiveddddddd!!!!! anddd got ffk-ed. -.-
see! that's what i meant by the thing i'm suppose to fast on.
ohweell, maybe i really should start fasting on it. ;P
hello all, school was darn boring.
i might have some second thoughs already lar!
Happen SOMETHING in school please? heh.
i dont' want to regret it!
i'm going to do the dance move from the song
the earth will declare your love is everywhere! :P
i hope i'm doing this with my mummy heehe.
lastly, to someone who is dear to me,
suck it up! be proud of what you are,
and don't be someone that you are not.
i like the original you ;) be yourself and smile.
off i go now. Ciao

Monday, September 7, 2009

heyyo! ;) i saw xukie today retardedly holding two colourful pillows walking around ikea! cheers*

i'm still waiting on something i'm suppose to fast on,
you'll get what i mean. ;)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

skytrek was awesome! ;)
had great fun with everyone there.
we should try it again! ;P
soory, there's no pictures of skytrek,
soooo i just put a big fat treee there
and its not from Skytrek's tree btw! heh

Friday, September 4, 2009

i pray, that God will bless and protect her all the way.
she'll be finei know.. no worries, so smile ;)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

haha! i love this picture.
except its kinda senget but still.
it's beautiful. ;)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

if we could party all night,
and sleep everyday,
and throw all our problems away,
my life would be easssyyyy
i'm back (:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

hey guys, i'm leaving tomorrow.
you all will be missed.
and cherrie too (:
take care, xoxo

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


hey all (: something really unreasonable happened in class. i dont't even want to talk about it. it's just really a very very bad day. soo! because of what happened yesterday, teacher decided to change our sitting position for good. im sitting with wai lee now :S thats chaos. but still fun (:and kuok ren is the new kt. i think he can be a perfect kt. no, seriously, a good one (: heeh. so i think our class is going to be in a masive mess and chaos in another one more week time. after the holidays perhaps. i cant' wait! im going tooo have so much fun! : D

everyone is sick now ): due to the H1n1. please stop it! ): my friends are having fever and all, they can't make it for school till after the holidays ): kinda saddening. get well soon then! going to meet up with wei shan this saturday! i can't wait to see her. it's been sooo long since the last time is saw her. i hope she's doing well now. she said she hasss so much dirt to tell me! wheee.

life is currently nutruel for me. i miss mel ): she's gone for so long. she left me in the rain yesterday. ughh! kay (: thats all for today adios!

Monday, August 17, 2009

audrey humphrey! <3

neverending therapy.

nooooooooooooooo! !);
melissa went to aussie today.
and she's abandoning me in the car, in school,
in tuition, in everywhere. grrrrrr.
she better buy me some good choco from there orelse :D

school today was cold (: cause it rained. i love raniy days. you won't get sweaty and stinky. and the best part is its soo noisy outside u cant even concentrate in the class (: then teacher will hav to stop teaching for one whole peroid till the rain stops! today some doctor came over to school and talked about the swine flu. bla bla. it was a long talk but still, he's a doctor. and he's pn joyce's husband! i didnt know that! 0.0 heeheee.

i wantt to go to cg outing next month ):

Saturday, August 15, 2009

ahhhhhhhh! something is happening in the curve!
i can hear it from here and im not there ):
wish i was there now. ): help me from boredom.

4 months therapy?!

skipped school today!
for a really good reason i can say. the reason is because (: . my dad's not home yet. so it's just going to be my brother, mum and i. i told my brother to not get the same specs as mine. but i failed. it wasss red. hot red. so please laugh at him and said it's ugly when u see him k (: haha. xuk and i are having this lil discussion about something. it's really funny cause we seem tto hate that something very much. and we just can randomly shout in the middle of school. : Dhaha.i bet u have no idea what i just said.
i watched apocalypse yesterday. it was a really interesting movie! hahaa. i saw it with my mum. she even watched it with me (: yay! then astro played sweeney todd. and someone dont know wad movie was that. zz. anyways. went to murni for food yesterday night with bro and mum! (: my brother can't walk cause he's leg patah. quite sad actually, cause everytime something will surely happen to him. haha!

oh! out neighbour just moved in. well not really, the house is ready so i think they should be in anytime by now (: i cant wait! ill just randomly ring on the door bell and say :''hello aunty! (: ur house very nice. can i hav a look inside? ;DDDD'' haha. then she'll surely let me in! i saw a girl's room. hope she's somewhere near my age (: then it'll be super fun. haha k. ciao now.

Monday, August 10, 2009

5 months therapy!

hey! i still can't manage to upload any pictures in my blog ): and facebook too. this really sucks! yikes! it's another had this merdeka day celebration and i thought it wasn't that bad after all! (: hahaa. i think cause im sitting with the most retarded people around my classmates. hehh. sadly, the afternoon session models weren't able to walk down the hall today. Due to mR michael's lame excuses to cancel the whole thing and rather let the morning session girls do it. it's not fair! and they don't even have merdeka fashion show anymore! oh ohkay, so this yr's merdeka celebration was worst than last years i guess (: missing out the fashion show poeple : D roar.

give me a choice, volleyball? dancing? or CG outing. everything crashed together at the same time! gah can i just have three of em (:! heeeh. pleasee! tell me which one i should go. orelse ill rather die this weekend! mel mel is going to Aussie next week. going to miss her to bits. she's going to meet jonathan there! (; haha. i hope he still remembers me though. oh! and if we're really lucky, mayb we'll see each other in melboune mel! haha.
schoool has been a real bummer for me nowadays. nothings happening. it's soo dead ); garh! i need some drama or something. something different to happen in school like : '' CHS SCHOOL- place for dogs!'' haaah! front line newpapers..yaa ohkay so its kinda lame zz. exams are coming and i really really dont' want to study. i still feel its a holiday though! (: ahhaa. kay. thats it for me now (: byeeee

Sunday, August 9, 2009

6 months therapy!

i have no idea why i can't upload pictures in my blog now ): super ubberly sad.
kay, went to see amanda's swimming competition last thursday.
she wasss super good (: she represented selangor.
most of them came from sabah i think.
but still i got to see her swim! (: hahaa.
and she even warn me not to shout her name =.=
wish i could post a picture of her here.
till someone helps me with this picture prob ):

house warming yesterday.
friends came and trash my house.
zhi min and yan hui came without even telling me.
so it was kinda shocking, last minute thing.
played pictionary with dorothy and i think that was one of
the best game eveer (: hehee.
started to team with her and yee aung at first.
then after rach went off, i abandoned dor with ya and wei jian.
and i joined bobby and xuk (: plus my brother helped out a lil.
play play play, then suddenly everyone went home d ):
and it was only 11 someting.
yee aung got scholed by his brother.
woops! and yan hui's dad is my dad's friend.
how akwardness! : D haha.
slept at 1.30am something and i missed my effin ballet at 9am
i woke up at 8.57am sharp! zzz
wad a day..
i wanna post picturess!
pictures will be uploaded sooN (;

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

aug babies

HI ALL! (:
ahem, today(tomorrow) is going to be a really special day for
two awesomest friends of mine (:
they're gonna have their birthdays! ; DD

the first one is my director!
yessh, my own director! : D

happy 16th birthday alex! thanks for being such an awesome friend and also a gay friend of mine: Dhaha. no offence! X) you're a really cool cg leader, a leader for almost every single club in his school, prefects, scout, YE, wad else ?! oh my gosh. uncountable! but especially a true leader for God (: oh, and he thinks he's a director cause he got influence by korean dramas too much. ;DD but still he makes crazie and retarded drama about other people.! (: heh. so heree i am wishing you a happy 16th birthday and wishing u all the best in life! be happy always and pleaseeeee distress or somethingg! haha stop working larh. seriously! ohH! and i stole this picture from your facebook! haha i think u look freskishly retarded in here : D wahhaha.

this one is a total annoying lil brat! (: hehe.


he;'s the one in blue there >D

this lil dude is a totallllllll twit! (: hahaa. yeahh the one smiling retardedly there in the picture, he and his mum migrated to Australia last month. this was the pictures we took right before the day he left ): poorr thingg, really miss him not being around anymore. but i hope he's enjoying himself there in Aussie! (: heeeh gonna pay him a visit this month end. and mayb he grew fatter or something! : D or taller. yeshh its better to be taller right? hahaa. wishing you a happy 13th birthday shamuel, thanks for being such an awesome friend even though u're super annoying and fun! (: hahaa. and may God bless u always in life : D

Sunday, August 2, 2009


60 more hours 12 minutes and blah blah seconds LEFT!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

sugar : D

the discarted pc.

minister Kong Cho Ha.


hello people.
ahem. to short things out.
i ditched school last friday to
pc fair with parents.
blah blah blah.
went to home fellowship in puchong.
where i was suppose to be in my ballet class.
sniff. ill go next week then
p/s: i miss puchong food mann ):
today my house is having a house warming party.
june ditch me and didnt come :/
most of them is dylan's friends,
so i just mixed around wiht them.
dad's friends got so drunk we even
hav to carry him in the bed.
and he was like NOT light okay
suppose to hav a salsa dance floor,
but it ended up to be a MJ dance fllor.
dancing billy jeans was hilarious : D
haha. had fun and there goes church tomorrow.
cant wait for YC (: <3